Sunday, February 14, 2010

Choccolate on my mind

I am a huge fan of chocolate. I can't help it; I think it's in my genes. When I was a teenager and not yet ... femininely shaped ... I used to eat a whole block of chocolate by myself every day. Well, one day I got the bill for that and even though I liked growing hips and no longer being mistaken for a boy back then, there came the day when I wished it would stop. I have never been overweight, but I am well aware that my liking for food calls for a little control every now and then. When we came back from the Balkans in November (four weeks of very good but very heavy food), I had gained two kilos and I really wanted to get them down again. Two kilos may not seem like much but then they become your standard weight and then again two kilos more aren't much and so on and pa-daah! Six kilos more!

I tried to not eat in between meals anymore (I am a big talent with that), and I took up a tiny bit of exercising. Really only about ten to twenty minutes every couple of days.

That was one month ago, and I am down three kilos now. It's really amazing what effect working on your unhealthy habits can have.

So I decided that since I've made such a good start I am going to try and keep it up now. I strongly believe that a personal sense of everybody's life is to develop you, to learn new things and always strive to improve yourself. Of course you got to know what that means to you. :o)

I think that I kind of owe my body keeping it healthy and fit. I have never been a big sports fan and such, and bad eating habits don't just jump on you. I started this very early. So it is hard to keep going, but I feel like I am doing something for myself there and it gives me a very genuine feeling of satisfaction.

This is one of my projects at the moment: Improving my life by developing a daily routine that supports my health. At the moment this includes first of all exercising regularly. I took up swimming and playing squash again, and when the snow ends here I want to have my bike ready, too. Then I am fighting hard (today, for example) to eat only at mealtimes and cut down on sweets (*sniff*). And then something not so obvious: I am trying to treat my teeth better. I never got used to cleaning them with dental floss and it's really hard for me to introduce that now, because I feel like everything takes so much longer if I add that (I still have two lingual bows -wires glued to the back of my teeth to keep them in place- in and that makes getting the floss everywhere quite fiddly). And I have bought this ugly gel that we used to get at school when the teeth lady came and showed us how to brush. It does not taste so revolting anymore. It makes your teeth strong and I use it once a week - if I don't forget.

You see, I'm trying to train myself for my own best, but of course my little self can't really understand and she thinks chocolate is for her best. Now. And lots.

I then try to tell myself that tea is very tasty too.

Of course I don't believe myself.


Salome said...

Zahsiide- und Elmexgelée- Gratulation!;) Wänns de Zahni seit bringts meischtens nüt, da muess de eigeti Wille ume si.
Grüessli vo de Zahfee :)

Elisa said...

Das Elmex gelée wollt ich auch schon immer mal ausprobieren, aber es ist mir immer zu teuer.

Gestern waren wir bei der Zahnärztin und sie hat gemeint, es ist alles toll und meine sind alle in Ordnung und das Keramikinlay sitzt. Nur der arme Ron muss nächste Woche zur Prophylaxe, demnächst bekommt er auch ein Inlay und dann soll er perspektivisch eine Brücke bekommen, wo sein Zahn fehlt, wovor er Angst hat. Und seit ich weiß, daß er seine schlimmste Phobie überwunden hat (Zahnarzt), motiviert es mich, auch mehr für mich zu tun.

Was den Sport betrifft: ich muss dringend, auch wegen schmerzender Knie und Rücken, aber der innere Schweinehund ist sooooo laut. Dabei hab ich sogar Geld dafür investiert, ein neuartiges Übunggsprogramm zu besorgen... naja, und das mit den Süßigkeiten versuche ich total runterzuschrauben. Gerade, nachdem ich das Buch von Hans-Ullrich Grimm "Die Kalorienlüge" gelesen hab. Ich versuche nun fast alles von Grund auf selbst zu kochen und habe so gut wie alles verbannt, was Aroma, modifizierte Stärke, gehärtetes Pflanzenfett, Glucose und Geschmacksverstärker hat. War total befreiend. Mal sehen wann es sich auf der Waage niederschlägt.

Deine Schokogelüste kann ich total gut nachvollziehen, manchmal braucht Frau die einfach. Aber ich versuche es nicht zum Alltag zu machen, damit es eine besondere Bedeutung behält.

Und die beste Schoki ist sowieso die Cailler, die ich hier nicht bekomme *schnief*

Also, ich kann alles was du schreibst gut nachvollziehen und bewundere dich dafür.

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