Thursday, July 7, 2011

Self portrait Thursday - W27/11

This week, I just feel very tired. I've got so much to do and don't seem to get anywhere. Nor do I get enough sleep. The weather is so nice and I feel bad staying inside. Can't enjoy being outside properly though, since I know I should be working.

Today I'm working on getting the things done that will give me some air to enjoy a day off - just for myself. I know things will look up after that. :o)

Thanks for reading!


Cindy said...

Awe Yaga :( I hope things get done so you can spend some time outside. Also the sleep thing does's crazy how a lack of sleep makes you feel miserable.

I hope everything goes well!! Best of luck with getting things done! <3

P.S. - I love your new side bar btw! :) it looks good

Elisa said...

I felt similiar when I had sleep deprivation due to Robin crying to be fed twice per night.

Go to bed at a decent hour!!!! I am off to bed now :-)

I read it somewhere: "erwachsen ist man dann, wenn man freiwillig früh ins Bett geht." :-)

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