Monday, April 19, 2010

spring is here and keeps us busy!

It seems like so many things happen these days that I sometimes just forget to use a computer. Which is a good thing. That also means that I don't blog everyday, which is a bit sad. But humans are quite powerless when spring rolls in and that is good again. :o)
Updates on the bike story are: Apparently I got something very wrong, since when Trev came around and wanted to pushstart it again for me it bitched around and just wouldn't work. So I called my instructor and he gave me the phone number of his dad who is a mechanic. I called there (I *hate* phoning, so it was a really big effort for me...) and he almost made me laugh by staying totally cool and telling me to just clean the spark plugs. Man! I don't even know where these things are!
Trev found out though and got it all running fine again on saturday! <3 Then I had my first longer drive on my own which was quite exciting but nothing big, just around the house a bit.
But yesterday we drove to my parents' place and back along lake Zurich and it went really well. My bike is just really not made for outside town, it goes a mere 80 when I push it and then everything is vibrating so much it's not really comfortable. I'm perfectly fine with it for now, since I am not fully in control of it yet, but I am already looking forward to a bigger one, because biking slow is not the real fun. ;o)

It also was Trev's birthday on friday and we had a great party, and then went for a very nice dinner on saturday, so the weekend was pretty social, and today is Sechseläuten!! I'm thinking about actually going to the parade. I must admit I've never seen it live, but there are also reasons for that. I don't like big crowds too much and I think if you can see something with additional infos and a great view on TV, why should you hop up and down to catch a glimpse of it and walk from spot to spot until your feet hurt?
Anyways, the nicest part of it is when everything is over and all the Zunft-people go to their clubhouses for their talks and food, and the huge fire is left to burn down. That means it burns all night and the whole field is filled up with people who bring grills, get some coal from the big fire with long shovels and have a nice time ejoying the atmosphere.

I have updates on the deo experiment as well but I'll keep those for a post of its own, because I took pictures and my camera is not here atm.


1. Anonymous said...

I think it's great you forget a little about your computer. I really like to read your blog, but I stopped to read it regularly two weeks ago because it was just too much text. But if things keep going on like this, I think I'll change my mind again. ;-) take care!

2. yaga said...

thanks, julia, thats great input. :o)

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