Thursday, May 26, 2011

Whatcha wearing on your birthday? (WWW)

Oh boy, what a day! It was my birthday yesterday and I would say one of the nicest ones I've ever had.
It started with a yoga lesson down at the river. What better way to start your day than doing yoga outside, meditating and doing something good for your body? Afterwards we sat in the sun next to the water for coffee and morning smoothies.

Once back home I popped some muffins in the oven and prepared stuff for a picnick in the evening. Soon it was time to leave for my birthday treat: A tragus piercing.

I love how that little sparkle goes with the silver ring!
Trev got his eyebrow pierced. I thought it was very unfair that mine hurt quite a bit whilst he didn't even twitch when he got it done.

In the evening we had picnick in the park with lots of great friends. I was so happy about how many people came to spend time with us. My sugar-free muffins were quite tasty, and everybody brought fruit to share, which was great because I got to eat that too. Must be the summery weather that made everybody buy healthy stuff. It was so warm I went barefoot all day. Oh how I love that. It always reminds me of when we were small and my birthday was that time of year we'd be allowed outside without shoes whenever we wanted. :o)

Photo by Martin Strauss

Photo by Martin Strauss

Thanks to Martin for snapping these great pics! His gallery is here!

Look, that's me wearing my golden tutu and my birthday hat. Oh, and the heart shaped sunglasses of course. There the must-have item of the season. Well, at least in my little fashion land.
This hat is my treasure! I bought it off ebay for a riddiculously low price, it's a real silk tophat and it's gorgeous. Sadly enough it only arrived after I'd done my hair, so atm it doesn't really fit me. Once I get the dreads out, I'm gonna wear it every day!!

Bagpuss claimed it was his birthday too, but nobody believed him. That's him, dressed up as the Cheshire cat. ;o)

I thought since this Wednesday outfit was pretty crazy, I'd add a more down to earth one. That's what I wore today. The belt was a birthday gift from my friend Alvaro. <3

What a wonderful birthday! :o)


1. Unknown said...

Happy Yipee Birthday! More b-days to come :)

2. Squiggly Rainbow said...

Happy Birthday to you Beautiful friend! xox I haven't posted the skirt yet - I have been so busy with essay writing - it's coming though!!! I love the outfits and I am glad to meet someone else who likes heart shaped sun glasses, I found a great pair of red polka dot ones last year, my Grace talked me out of buying them. Big regret! lol
Love to you Rach xo

3. Jacinta said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! It's awesome to spend it with friends. Best wishes for many more to come. xo

4. A Lost Feather said...

happy birthday!! sounds like you had a really great day! doing yoga outside sounds like fun.. i've never done that.. definitely more fun than going to the gym!

5. yaga said...

thank you all! It really was a wonderful day. oh rach - polka dot heart shaped sunglasses? sounds like fashion heaven to me!! :o)))

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