It makes my thoughts fly away just to look at those pictures.
And it also makes me jealous as hell. How come he's just good at EVERYTHING! He draws the silliest things, and technical plans like out of a book (well, ok, they are in a book...), landscapes, people and animals both in and out of perspective, as comical or realistic as you want, and he is just good at it ALL. And all his stories are so great.
Man, if it wouldn't make me feel so good to read his books I would go and pull the cover up over my head now.
einerseits kann ich nur sagen: freu dich doch einfach ganz unschuldig darĂ¼ber! Andererseits hilft es dir vielleicht wenn ich dir sage: mir geht es hin und wieder auch so. :-)
Bin wieder da, muss nur irre viel aufholen.
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