Well, I was never big with careproducts. I don't use makeup very often, so it normally lasts me quite a long time. I'm not patient enough to use all those care products that ads and beauty magazines tell us about. I started using conditioner on my hair only a year ago, when I dyed it strange colors and all the bleaching made it dry.
So since this is not really my field I don't know much about green vs. normal care products. I've heard people say that normal shower gels and all that stuff contain a lot of artificial ingredients that aren't good for our body. If you are interested in knowing more, here's an article that you might find interesting for a start (in german).
'Natural' care products without any synthetics however, are insanely expensive. Another great opportunity to take myself on a journey of finding a green, healthy and affordable solution.
My criterias: The product has to
- cost the same or little more than normal, cheap care products from the supermarket (aka what I use now)
- be found easily (no long drives/expensive orders)
- be made out of ingredients that are as simple as possible and can be bought locally (no shampoo out of unscented shampoo/no exotic ingredients like coconut oil)
Even though I feel like my bahtroom equipment is very basic, there is still quite a number of things to be replaced and I decided to take it slow and go one by one. That's easy because I will use up all the products that I already have anyways.
The first thing to go empty was my shower gel. I must say I didn't even really notice it, I just started washing my armpits with shampoo. Presently, I don't want to use soap between my legs because of the piercing anyways and realised I don't really need it. No big difference. I've never used soap on any other parts of my body. Don't know about you, but I do not get that dirty during a normal day...
So that is an easy one so far, although it will maybe come up again as soon as I start using a substitute for shampoo. But that's still some way off.
This week though I ran out of deodorant. I've googled around and found this article on one of my favourite blogs.
In a nutshell, you take one part of baking soda and six parts of cornstarch. You can find both ingredients in the baking corner of your supermarket. I got a bigger pot of soda (natron) in the pharmacy however. 100 g natron cost around 6 Franks, the starch comes in a carton of 250g for I think 3 Franks. This is worth a multiple of normal deodorant sticks, so the costs are very satisfying.
I've tried this for the first time tonight, so I can't say if and how well it works. In general, I do fancy spray deodorants because they are easy to use, and my Mom used to tell me they are best because you don't touch your armpits with the container, so no bacteria will get on them and destroy the deo. Don't laugh at me if that's total bullshit. It's one of those things you can't get rid of if you've been trained as a child...
So I might try to make this solution liquid (also makes it possible to put some scented oil in...) and put it in a spray bottle. I find the applying with the brush a bit messy and since I have a habit of using deodorant after I've got dressed, I imagine this could prove as a problem.
Stay tuned in the green bathroom! ;o)
thanks for the image to: http://community.cbs47.tv/blogs/kenmalloy/archive/2009/05/06/4022288.aspx
Wohoooo I just found your blog!
I've tried to green up my bathroom since 2010 and the outcomes are amazing so far! :)
So I use Jojoba-Oil for cleaning my face from make-up etc. If you heat it up and put some bee-wax and a bit of scent in it, you have your daily skin cream.
But as we discussed this already on the Pillowfight, I need to try your Deodorant!
Ich schick dir mal ein Rezepte- Sheet von meinem Lieblingsblog, wofür man normalerweise 8 Dollar ausgeben muss und du kannst dann alles mal testen.
Me again. I just thought about the cornstarch. When you buy it in the normal supermarket, it isn't organic, it has probably even gene changed corn in it. It is not good for your body either and you get a bit the same problem as with normal cosmetics - just in a different way.
So I bought my cornstarch in the Bioladen. 100% organic and cost Fr 4.40 for 250gr.
saarita, that's a great thought, of course! I still had 'normal' cornstarch in my baking supplies, so I used this but Ii'm sure organic version is much nicer!
How are you going with this, still using it?
I like the Crunchy Betty blog for all kinds of info, plus I love the way she writes, good sense of humour!
Hey Cassandra, thanks so much for your interest. I found another recipe for homemeade deo that I liked better. For more posts on the topic, see here:
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