Ladies and Gents, we proudly present: The dress for Pia's wedding!
It's often hard for me to work out a style for a formal event, since I don't feel myself if I am all conform. But I do not want to be impolite by showing up in something completely inappropriate (say, my black ballgown for a wedding), so I had to think hard about giving it a little twist inside the lines.
Somehow I had decided I wanted a red dress for this occasion, don't ask me why. After unsuccessfull weeks of scanning shops and internet, I finally found this dress at C&A this week. It's a white cotton dress. I dyed it and it worked out perfectly. The belt came with it and since it makes it look much less like a beach outfit (a big minus of cotton dresses), I think I'll keep it and settle for black accessoires. I have the shoes and sunglasses, and I think a pair of black gloves and a clutch would be perfect with it. And a pearl necklace of course. Not to forget nylon stockings with the seam in the back.
I'm all fired up on 50ies now, this style has so much potential.
sorry for the crappy pic quality, that's all I could do for now, gotta run, biking! :o)
Steht dir voll gut!
Ich geb zzu ich steh auch voll auf die Modde der 50er und habe ein paar original Burdas aus der Zeit hier rumliegen mit Schnittmustern, nur die Stoffe fehlen.
Die haben auch voll geniale Kindersachen und Stricksachen.
Ich fiebere auf jeden Fall mit dir mit!
WOAH! Das steht dir suuuper genial! Hab mich grad in das Kleid verliebt... ;D Die Farbe und der Schnitt. Traumhaft. <3
isa, dann ab zum c&a, die hatten noch einige von denen! ;o)
elisa, toll, die burdas sind bestimmt auch zum anschauen und als inspiration klasse!
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